….The two-day workshops were aimed to address that need and enable Tŷ Siamas members to improve their sound engineering skills, in order that more people could make better use of the equipment and host jam nights and gigs. .. Nod y gweithdai deuddydd oedd mynd i'r afael â'r angen hwnnw a chaniatáu i aelodau Tŷ Siamas wella eu sgiliau peirianneg sain, fel y gallai mwy o bobl wneud gwell defnydd o'r offer a chynnal nosweithiau jamio a gigs…..
Read More….Since the start of 2023 we have been running a fantastic series of sessions in North Wales called Singing for Mindfulness – designed and delivered by tutor Julie Bulman, in partnership with KIM Inspire – that offers participants the chance to explore the connection between singing and personal wellbeing. .. Ers dechrau 2023 rydym wedi bod yn cynnal cyfres ragorol o sesiynau yng Ngogledd Cymru o'r enw Canu er Lles – cawsant eu cynllunio a’u cyflwyno gan y tiwtor Julie Bulman, mewn partneriaeth â KIM Inspire – i roi’r cyfle i gyfranogwyr archwilio'r cysylltiad rhwng canu a lles personol…..
Read More….As part of our work on the Ffordd Sain Project earlier this year, we had the pleasure of teaming up with Oasis Cardiff on a sunny but chilly April morning, to give a group of refugees and asylum seekers the opportunity to explore and experience a side of Wales seldom seen. .. Fel rhan o’n gwaith ar Brosiect Ffordd Sain eleni, cawsom y pleser o gydweithio ag Oasis Caerdydd ar fore heulog ond oeraidd o Ebrill, i roi cyfle i griw o ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches archwilio a phrofi ochr o Gymru na welir mor aml…..
Read More….In partnership with Cell B in Blaenau Ffestiniog, we spoke to the participants there who decided that as the slate mines and quarries were such a big part of the community, both in the past and now in their form as tourist attractions, it'd be interesting to make a film about them. .. Mewn partneriaeth â Cell B ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog, buom yn siarad â'r cyfranogwyr yno a ddaeth i’r penderfyniad, gan fod y chwareli llechi yn rhan mor fawr o'r gymuned yn y gorffennol, a heddiw fel atyniadau twristaidd, y byddai'n ddiddorol gwneud ffilm amdanynt…..
Read More….Our CMW tutors Martin Daws and Owen Maclean visited Llanrwst Youth Club from September through to Christmas. The sessions started off as a very casual drop in, where the young people talked about what Llanrwst meant to them, and issue within the local area. .. Bu tiwtoriaid CGC, Martin Daws ac Owen Maclean draw yng Nghlwb Ieuenctid Llanrwst rhwng mis Medi a'r Nadolig. Dechreuodd y sesiynau fel ymweliadau galw heibio achlysurol, lle roedd y bobl ifanc yn trafod yr hyn oedd Llanrwst yn ei olygu iddyn nhw, a beth oedd y problemau’r ardal…..
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