....TRADD-OD: Old Stories – New Sounds .. TRADD-OD: Hen Straeon – Synau Newydd....
“....”It’s something different and challenging and reflects the town of Dolgellau and its history.” .. “Mae’n rywbeth gwahanol, mentrus ac unigryw, sydd yn adlewyrchu Dolgellau a’i Hanes.”....”
….Exciting new project aims to recapture and record the stories of Wales anew!
The art of storytelling is one of Wales’ oldest, most coveted traditions. Generation after generation, the myths and legends of our winding stone streets and stunning hills have stood the test of time for centuries.
In an age where digital reigns supreme, it’s more important than ever to protect the future of this ancient art form and to explore new technologies in hope they might aid in its preservation.
In February 2023, with the help of the Arts Council of Wales’ Youth Music Incubator Fund, Community Music Wales collaborated with Ty Siamas and the Mycelium Storytelling Hub on Tradd-OD; a unique project that offered people the chance to harness the power of an old Welsh tradition.
Delivering this exciting project was videographer and sound experimentalist Glyn ‘FFRWD’ Roberts and author/storyteller, Mair Tomos Ifans. With decades of experience between them, both guided eight individuals through a crash course in creative audio recording and sound manipulation.
“When I first heard of this project, I was extremely proud to be given the opportunity!” explains Roberts. “It’s something different and challenging and reflects the town of Dolgellau and its history. It was also an opportunity for me to share my experience in sound and television and create a gripping piece of work and spark the imaginations of the participants.”
Mair, who is currently working as a Contemporary Acquaintance for the Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival as part of the Mycelium Storytelling Hub, joined the Tradd-OD team to share her vast knowledge on the local myths and legends. And together, the participants on the project worked toward the creation of an immersive sonic retelling of the local tale of Merch y Talglyn using recordings collected from and around the town of Dolgellau.
Taking listeners and participants alike on an otherworldly journey, from the winding streets of Dolgellau to the impressive silhouette of Cader Idris, Tradd-OD ran over two days from 20th to 21st February at the town’s iconic centre for folk music in Wales, Tŷ Siamas.
Prosiect Newydd Cyffrous I Ailymweld A Chofnodi Straeon Cymru Mewn Ffordd Newydd!
Does dim diben bod chwedleua yn un o draddodiadau hynaf Cymru. O ganrif i ganrif, mae straeon chwedlonol ein strydoedd cerrig troellog a’n bryniau trawiadol wedi goroesi’r oesoedd.
Mewn oes ddigidol, mae hi’n fwy pwysig nag erioed i warchod dyfodol yr hen draddodiad hwn, ac i ddarganfod dulliau a thechnolegau newydd i geisio rhoi help llaw yn ei gadwedigaeth.
Ym mis Chwefror 2023, gyda help llaw gan ‘Youth Music Incubator Fund’ Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, bydd Cerdd Gymunedol Cymru yn cydweithio gyda Thŷ Siamas a Hwb Chwedleua Myseliwm i gynnig Tradd-OD – cyfle unigryw i symud hen draddodiad Gymreig ymlaen i’r oes fodern.
Yn dosbarthu’r brosiect cyffrous yma bydd y fideograffydd a’r cerddor arbrofol Glyn ‘FFRWD’ Roberts, a’r awdur a chwedleues Mair Tomos Ifans. Gyda degawdau o brofiad rhyngddynt, bydd y ddau yn tywys wyth unigolyn drwy weithdai recordio a thrin sain.
“Pan glywais am y brosiect beiddgar hwn, roeddwn i’n hynod o falch i gael y cyfle! Mae’n rywbeth gwahanol, mentrus ac unigryw, sydd yn adlewyrchu Dolgellau a’i hanes,” meddai Glyn Roberts. “Mae’n gyfle i mi rannu fy mhrofiad ym myd sain a theledu, ac mi fydd yn sicr o greu darn o waith gafaelgar iawn a thanio dychymyg y cyfranwyr.”
Mae Mair ar hyn o bryd yn gweithio fel Cyfarwydd Cyfoes yn hela'r chwedlau bychain rhwng Mawddwy a Mawddach, fel rhan o gynllun Hwb Chwedleua Myseliwm a gŵyl Chwedleua Ryngwladol Beyond the Border. Bydd yn ymuno â thîm Tradd-OD i rannu ei gwybodaeth helaeth am straeon chwedlonol ardal Dolgellau. Gyda’u gilydd, bydd cyfranwyr y brosiect yn ceisio creu darlun sonig hudolus o stori leol, Merch y Talglyn, yn defnyddio recordiadau wedi’u casglu o amgylch tref Dolgellau.
Gyda’r bwriad o dywys gwrandawyr a chyfranwyr ar daith sonig arallfydol drwy strydoedd troellog Dolgellau tuag at gysgodion y Gader, bydd Tradd-OD yn rhedeg dros ddeuddydd o’r 20ain i’r 21ain o Chwefror yng nghanolfan eiconig cerddoriaeth werin Cymru, Tŷ Siamas, rhwng 10am a 3pm ac ar agor i bawb dros 14+ oed. Am fwy o wybodaeth, neu i gofrestru, cysylltwch â Lewys Siencyn yma.